• Remix: when a pop song is under a deconstructing/reconstructing treatment producing a new track with a (variable) degree of distance from the original. Is this applicable to a (pop) architecture?

    Reworking a new version of this exhibit asked for a deeper investigation into the client’s nature. Kale is made of many brands and their (alchemic?) combination results in a multilayered composition, attractive in its complexity. This relationship between similar but different identities belonging to the same family is visually expressed using Mendeleev’s periodic table as an appropriate reference.

    Also – boosting the previous version’s spatial and formal concepts – products are displayed in an immersive environment where abstract ironic styling and dramatic lighting help to keep high the thrill. Additionally, wider paths, more transparency and enhanced capacity of service areas were provided.


    Kale Group

    Trade show/

    Cersaie 2015, Bologna IT

    Creative direction/

    Paolo Cesaretti

    Design team/

    Paolo Cesaretti, Debora Palmieri, Paola Danesi

    Visual design/

    Claudia Astarita 


    Fulvia Carmagnini, Laura Mauceri

La Bottega


    700 Sqm

Lorenzo Pennati, Stefano Stagni, Denis Molinari


    Lorenzo Pennati